Another industry early career animal science professional doing great stuff!
Emma Shattock, Elders Livestock Production Adviser, Burra has kept a watching brief on AAAS’s transformation from ASAP since attending the highly successful 2016 Bi-ennial Conference in Adelaide, and now believes there is a strong value proposition for herself and other early career professionals and students to join and contribute.
Emma said “there is value in the virtual and local face to face networking opportunities; the virtual Bi-ennial Conference currently being hosted by WA this week, 1-3rd Feb’21 – that gives access to the latest science via recorded presentations and APS Journal papers; flexibility around logging into webinars, live or as recordings; access to a number of scientific journals; exposure to current research; and access and introduction to a number of the current Post Graduates who will be the next generation of employees for companies like Elders.”
Emma was a student in Ag Science at both Waite and Roseworthy Campus (Major in Livestock), 2007-09, where she partook in an undergraduate summer vacation work experience program at Feed and Nutrition Companies like Leinert Australia, Laucke Mills and Ridley Agriproducts, and which was offered by the Pork CRC and coordinated by the legendary Pig Industry Consultant – Graeme Pope. This led to being awarded the Ian Pollard Scholarship to complete 3rd year. Emma thought she’d do Honours, which potentially leads onto a PhD, but the above work experience resulted in her being offered, and accepting a Graduate Nutritionist position with Leinert Australia (2010-11). Emma had a gap year back on the family farm (keeping herself grounded and hands-on), before moving into Elders at Burra, as a Farm Supplies Sales Representative (2013/14), and then as a Livestock Production Adviser ( 2014 – now). Emma has had plenty of on-the-job training and Conferences such as LambEx’14 (Adelaide) and 2016 (Albury), SA Livestock Adviser Updates, and also grabbed the opportunity to do the UNE’s Graduate Certificate in Consulting.
As Elders Livestock Production Adviser, Burra, Emma covers the western, northern and central South Australia ( ie. anywhere above Roseworthy and to the borders). She provides ruminant animal health and production advice and assists producers to build production plans to increase productivity and profitability in a sustainable way. There is a focus on parasites – internal and external, sheep reproduction and lamb survival, and nutrition in containment and feedlots.
The Elders-LPA service is offered via on-farm visits, workshops and seminars, and the LTEM (Lifetime Ewe Management) small group learning courses.
And as for the future, Emma said, “since I began my career a decade ago, the profitability and career opportunities in livestock production have changed enormously for the better, and I encourage any student to give ruminant livestock a go, and also join a Professional organisation, like the Australian Association of Animal Sciences, AAAS, to help with gaining work experience, mentoring and laying a platform to launch an interesting and exciting career”.