Athol Victor Klieve
Dr Athol Klieve graduated from the University of Adelaide in Agricultural Science in 1981, a Master of Rural Science (University of New England; UNE) in poultry viruses and vaccines in 1986, and a PhD (UNE) in rumen bacteriophages in 1989. He completed a postdoc at UNE on genetic manipulation of rumen bacteria before joining the Queensland Government (Department of Agriculture and Fisheries; DAF) as a senior research scientist in 1993. Athol joined the University of Queensland in 2009 in a joint appointment with DAF, and is currently Associate Professor at the University of Queensland in the School of Agriculture and Food Sciences and the Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation. He has worked with organisations such as the International Atomic Energy Agency, the Australian Greenhouse Office, and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. Currently he leads the joint microbiology team within UQ and the Queensland Government.
Athol has made a major contribution to rumen microbiology with his work on methane production, bacteriophages, probiotics and the microbial degradation of mimosine in ruminants fed leucaena. His research has also extended to a study of microbes in marsupials and dugong. He was the Director of the Queensland Enteric Methane Hub 2010–2014, and a member of the Beef CRC and the Australian Tropical Dairy Institute. Athol has been an editor and reviewer for a number of major international journals. He has published 66 journal articles, and 49 books, book chapters, reviews and full conference papers, 110 conference abstracts and 30 major reports. He coordinates and lectures into a number of courses within UQ in microbiology and has supervised 28 postgraduate students.
Athol has contributed to the Society as a committee member of the Queensland branch since 1995, branch secretary 1995–1997 and he was a member of the Federal Council in 2006–2008. He is also a member of the Australian Society of Microbiology.
For his contribution to research and leadership in the field of rumen microbiology, the Australian Society of Animal Production is pleased to enrol Athol Klieve as a Fellow of the Society.