The AAAS National Committees have been established to oversee areas of interest and development to AAAS members at the national scale. These committees will comprise of at least five AAAS members, spanning at least three branches, and consist of a Chair, Co-Chair, Secretary and General Committee.

The Early Career Network will create a peer network of postgraduate students, early career researchers and young professionals, and ensure that AAAS offers training and development opportunities that are targeted at early-career members.

The National Events Committee will coordinate and deliver high-quality scientific events and professional development activities.

The Partnerships Committee will create awareness of AAAS and work with other organisations to build better networks and leverage opportunities for members.

The Awards Committee will coordinate awards that recognise scientific achievements, contributions to AAAS, and support the development of members.

The Communications Committee will advise on policy related to social media and other commutation channels and develop and oversee a communications plan for AAAS.

The AAAS Federal Council is now seeking nominations from AAAS members to be the inaugural Chair of each of the National Committees. More information on each of the National Committees is in the attached pdf.

220304 AAAS National Committee Roles

All nominations must be made on the attached nomination form and seconded by a current financial member of AAAS.

220304 2022 AAAS National Committee Nomination Form

Completed nomination forms, signed and dated by both the nominee and seconder via email to the AAAS Executive Officer (Dr Sue Hatcher, by 5.30 PM (AEST) on 11 May 2022.