AAAS International Travel Award

The Australian Association of Animal Sciences (AAAS) International Travel Award provides a general international grant to support the professional development of AAAS financial members through participation in international conferences, workshops, courses, research exchanges or study tours.

The International Travel Awards are conferred by the AAAS Federal Council who will grant up to two travel awards annually each up to a maximum of $A4,000 to any financial member of the Association.

The Australian Association of Animal Sciences (AAAS) Federal Council will invite applications for the Travel Awards in February each year and the awards shall normally be made before the end of April.

The Awardee shall take up the AAAS International Travel Award within 12 months of it being awarded.

240131 AAAS International Travel Award Terms and Conditions

240131 AAAS International Travel Award Application Form (docx)

240131 AAAS International Travel Award Application Form (pdf)

The Application

  • Please carefully read the AAAS International Travel Award Eligibility and Selection Criteria and ensure that you meet the requirements of the award.
  • Ensure that you have provided all the requested information and supporting documentation (i.e. acceptance of conference paper/poster/abstract, workshop or course registration information, research exchange/study tour letter/s of invitation).
  • A complete application, saved as a single pdf document, must be lodged with the AAAS Executive Officer by the closing date and must include ONLY the following:
    • A completed application form,
    • A completed Budget Estimate Statement providing all relevant travel costs and proposed travel dates, and
    • Any required supporting documentation.

Closing Date

Applications close on 31 March each year.

Completed applications, saved as a single pdf document, are to be emailed to Dr Sue Hatcher AAAS Executive Officer at

Applications will be assessed by the AAAS Federal Council.

All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by 30 April.


Dr Sue Hatcher

AAAS Executive Officer

Phone: 0407 006 454
