AAAS 2021 Conference – Brisbane networking hub
Diogo Costa (CQU) and Lindsey Perry (QDAF)
The 2021 AAAS conference succumbed at the eleventh hour to Covid-19 restrictions but due to careful contingency planning, seamlessly shifted to a fully virtual format. Showing that scientists are not really antisocial creatures, several state branches hosted conference “Hubs” where regional animal scientists and industry professionals could flock together like birds of a feather! The Brisbane Hub at the University of Queensland was well provisioned and attended. The Hub provided a glimpse of the professional and social networking that is an important element of any scientific conference. A highlight was playing eposters for present authors with a live Q&A. This was a great opportunity for first time conference goers to practice amongst friendly colleagues.
The Hub represented a good opportunity to catch up with old friends and make new ones. The people attending the event made it a very unique opportunity, a meeting like no other. These are friends that live and breathe animal science and always seek ways to share their findings and work in collaboration for a common goal. That is how these friends, animal scientists, continually evolve and get better in what they do. After all, they all know that it is only together that they can improve agricultural systems and meet global protein demands in a sustainable way. AAAS has the animal experts of today, working for a better tomorrow!