Nominations for the AAAS Federal Council for the 2022/24 biennium are now open!

The AAAS Federal Council is seeking nominations from AAAS members to lead the Association during the 2022 to 2024 biennium.

Nominating for the Council will give you the chance to shape and influence the direction of AAAS over the next two years.

The AAAS Federal Council is comprised of a President, Vice President, Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer and at least five committee members being delegates from each active Branch. The Council is assisted by the Executive Officer who takes direction from the Council.

As a member of the AAAS Federal Council, you will be required to:

  • Work with other Federal Councillors to ensure AAAS works effectively to build its role as the pre-eminent national professional body for animal industry scientists, consultant, industry professionals and students.
  • Contribute to building industry capability by providing a lifelong support network to students and industry professionals.
  • Uphold the AAAS values.

The AAAS Federal Council meet virtually one evening each month for 60-90 minutes. Additional meetings may be called as required to discuss specific items with a face-to-face strategy meeting held each biennium.

A description of the various Federal Council roles is in the attached pdf.

220331 AAAS Federal Council Roles

All nominations must be made on the attached nomination form and seconded by a current financial member of AAAS.

220304 2022 AAAS Federal Council Election Nomination Form

Completed nomination forms, signed and dated by both the nominee and seconder via email to the AAAS Executive Officer (Dr Sue Hatcher by 5.30 PM (AEST) on 11 May 2022.